My Logbook of Daily Antics
Welcome to my logbook where I share random musings and things happening in my day-to-day life when I am not out exploring.
Writing for now

Things around here have been going wonderful. My husband hasn't had a PTSD "episode" in over a month!!!! I have ...
PTSD: You sneaky lil devil you!

Wednesday was a somewhat odd day for me. It started out what I thought was great. I had applied for ...
CAUTION: Weight Loss In Progress

Watch out folks; Weight Loss In Progress! Since I have stopped smoking (Jan 4, 2010) food has become my new ...
Productive Weekend

It has been a very productive weekend and night. We headed to the race track to watch a friend race his ...
Mom’s get sick too

Just FYI Mom's get sick too! On Sunday I felt my husband's cold being passed on to be. I really ...
PTSD: The Other 4 Letter Word

Granted PTSD itself is an abbreviation, but it's still four letters. I was surprised to hear today someone ask me ...
Will Schools Ever Start Back Up!?!?

Tomorrow marks the 7th consecutive day the kids have missed school because of the 2 blizzards that came through here ...
ANOTHER blizzard!!!

Another blizzard!!! We are currently going through our 2nd blizzard within just a matter of days! To say things are ...
When it rains it pours…or um When it snows it falls!

When it rains it pours or I guess I should say when it snows it falls! Made it through the ...
It’s a Blizzard out there!!!

It's a Blizzard out there!!! This is wet heavy snow. Then it came across the screen on the TV. Blizzard ...
Nor’easter Headed My Way

Well, its official we have a Nor'easter headed our way. It will be my first. I am from Texas, so ...
Snow….again! And how about that electric bill!?!?

Snow....again! And how about that electric bill!?!? Well, they are calling for another 1-3 inches of snow. What they really ...
Another week has come to an end….ahhhh

TGIF!!!! Another week has come to an end! This week I have managed to get two of the kids to ...
Being an Army Instructor’s Wife….blows

Being an Army Instructor's Wife blows! Not that being his wife sucks or the fact that he is an instructor ...
My introduction :)

Those that have been around my sites know all about me, but I realize that a lot of our new members ...
Going to be one of those days

Going to be one of those days! I woke up with a headache this morning. That is never a good ...
BOOK REVIEW: Sisters of Valor

Posted: November 16, 2009 Sisters of Valor is a truly amazing book about the Military Wife's sisterhood. It doesn't matter ...