Housing application has been submitted. Time to mark that off the list!
So I completed my pre-PCS checklist a couple of days ago and the first thing on it is to notify the housing office to the new post that we will be PCSing to that we would like to obtain post housing. In fact, this is something you should do as soon as you can. They will require a copy of your orders, yours and your spouse’s ID cards (a copy of course), as well as proof of dependents.
Thankfully with ours, I was able to submit online. I just scanned all needed documents and uploaded them with the application. Now, we just wait to hear back from them.
Now with that being done, I can concentrate on the rest of my checklist, such as going through all of our household items to see what I can get rid of. You know the stuff we no longer use or just won’t fit in the new house.
I figure if I do it early and get the stuff listed on Craigslist now, it will give it plenty of time to sell and maybe I will be able to get away with NOT having a yard sale right before we move. After all who has time for that crap. I have movers to deal with and kids that like to go crazy!
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