Milton Reimers Ranch Park is located in Dripping Springs, Texas just down the road from Hamilton Pool.
It offers hiking & biking trails, rock climbing, swimming, fishing, astronomical observatory, and horseback riding (byoh, bring your own horse).
Milton Reimers Ranch Park is located on 2,427 acres hosts over 20 miles of trails.
If you decide to visit in the Springtime, you will be greeted with Blue Bonnets and other wildflowers!

We decided to try and make a loop (y’all know I love my loops). Starting at the Reimers Canyon Activity Center parking area, we hit the Pedestrian Nature Trail and followed it to Granite Trail which led us to the road where we crossed and hopped onto the multi-use trail.

We followed the multi-use trail down to Riverview Parking #2 and from there climbed down into the canyon onto the Lower River Trail.
We followed the Lower River Trail until it met up with the Upper River Trail.

We followed the Upper River Trail along the river to the other Climbing Area.
This is when the trail really opened up and showed her beauty!

We had a fun time making our way out of the canyon area (rock climbing area). There was a lot of rock scrambling involved and going the wrong way (the trail is not marked well in this area at all). If you take the route we did, follow these directions:
- On the Upper River Trail, as you are heading towards the climbing area, you will come to a creek area where you can either cross it or continue going straight. Do not cross and instead continue straight.
- The trail will then dead-end into another trail where you can go left or right. Go right and follow the trail out of the canyon and out of the climbing area.
Once you are out of this climbing area, you will follow the Pedestrian Nature Trail (stay to the right as you climb out of the canyon) back to the parking lot area.
Watch my Hike at Milton Reimers Ranch Park
Milton Reimers Ranch Park Info
Park Hours
Every day
7:00 am to 8:00 pm
Miles From Fort Hood: 89 Mile / 1hr 40min
Thing to Keep in Mind
Dogs are allowed, but must me keep on a 6ft leash at all time.
Horses require coggins papers.
No camping allowed.
No glass containers.
No alcohol consumption.
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