Day 5
Four Notch Trailhead to Big Woods Pond
Miles 13.5
March 15, 2019
Lone Star Hiking Trail Day 5. We left the house to head to the trail around

We decided that we would hike to the pond within the Big Woods section, 13.5 miles away. From there we would hike out to the Forest Road where Jerry would be waiting to take us to the Hunter’s Camp for the night.

The Four Notch section was filled with lots of creek crossings and mud. Shortly after starting this section we ran into a nice mud pit.

Within the first mile we crossed 2 creeks, one which was “deep” and full so this would probably be what I call a reliable water source for those needing it.

About mile 46.5 you will cross a forest service road and come to a good looking and reliable camping area (huge cleared area) that is not on any maps. I did not see any immediate water sources nearby though.
Shortly after passing mile 47 we came to another creek crossing that was steep. I found a huge downed tree laying across and decided to cross on the tree instead of climbing in and out of the creek. It was a lot further up than I thought!

Once we got to mile 48 we spent the next mile hiking through mud and standing water with only sporadic dry spots. In fact, shortly after mile 48 there is a creek crossing with a reliable water source if you need to fill up on water.
In fact, the rest of the trail in the four notch section was mostly mud to include the primitive campsite that was at the end of the Four Notch Section before a road walk. However, it is near a pond.
After a quick lunch with my husband and what would have been a
At one point I realized how eerie just walking through the woods in that section was. It reminded me of how most horror movies start. I was just waiting for “Jason” (Friday the 13th) to pop out!

I allowed Clayton to hike ahead this section and we made arrangments to meet at the pond (where we would get off), little did I know there would be a “trail” that led off the LSHT to the FS road before the pond, so I ended up having to call him to have him backtrack just a very short distance.
We headed out a very short distance to meet Jerry at the Forest Service Road which required some bushwhacking as there was no trail even though a sign was posted.
The Hunters Camp was about a mile backtrack, thankfully we had Jerry there to take us. If you don’t have your own “Jerry” I would suggest hiking on to the Hiker’s Camp that is located directly on the trail as they are about the same distance and it doesn’t require backtracking.

Lone Star Hiking Trail Day 5 Condition & Information
Trail Condition: Muddy but not as bad as previous sections.
Camping: Mile 46.5 there is a huge cleared area right after crossing a forest service road. Mile 48 there is plenty of cleared spots to find a camp spot. At mile 50.5 or so (right at FS 206 crossing) there are more camping areas. I keep speaking in the video of
Water: This section has plenty of opportunities to fill up on water. Shortly past mile 48, there is a good water source at a creek (that you also have to cross). There is another water source near the junction of trails (LSHT and Four Notch Loop) around mile 49.5. Between mile 51 and 52 before you get to FS 200 there is a pond. You will not come to another reliable water source until shortly before mile 57 in the Big Woods Section.
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