Having a Martha Home the Mary Way: 31 Days to a Clean House and a Satisfied Soul by Sarah Mae is by far one of the best books I have read in a long time. Not only does the book give you a cleaning task for your home each day, but it is also extremely motivational both physically and spiritually. I could not put it down!

While I received this book for free from the publisher, this is my honest opinion and I recommend it to anyone (man or woman) who needs that extra help decluttering both their house and soul. Even though I am considered a “clean freak” I still benefited from the book tremendously and will re-read it again and again!
From the author:
Get your home and your heart in order in just 31 days!
Sarah Mae wants to let you in on a little secret about being a good homemaker: It’s not about having a clean house. She’d never claim to be a natural, organized cleaner herself―yet, like you, she wants a beautiful space to call home, a place where people feel loved and at peace. Where people can really settle in with good food, comfy pillows, and wide-open hearts.Is it possible to find a balance? To care for your heart―and your home―at the same time?
Journey with Sarah Mae on this easy, practical 31-day plan to get you moving and have your house looking and feeling fresh. But even more than that, you’ll gain a new vision for the home of your dreams, and how to make it a place of peace, comfort, and community. Originally published as the e-book 31 Days to Clean and now revised and expanded in print for the first time, Having a Martha Home the Mary Way will inspire you to find a happier, healthier . . . cleaner way to live.
To Purchase:
You can purchase this book on Amazon. It comes in paperback, Kindle, and Audio CD format.
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