This post sponsored by Boulder Canyon.
My path always leads to adventures in beautiful parks, mountains, deserts, and forested areas among some of the most beautiful areas our country has to offer. My shoes were definitely made for hiking and exploring.
When I hike, I need fuel to keep me going. I love foods that are simple, delicious, filling, and are as natural and healthy as possible. Snacks must be easy to shove in my mouth, taste good, and won’t weigh me down (both literally and figuratively). There is nothing worse than trying to push out 5 more miles when you are feeling sluggish because you just gorged yourself on stuff that isn’t all that great for you.
Boulder Canyon chips help fuel the energy that I need to finish my hike. In fact, just yesterday I devoured an entire bag on the trail during a rest stop. They really are irresistible!

Boulder Canyon chips come in several flavors (all taste great, by the way), have simple ingredients, and are cooked in unique oils (such as avocado, rice bran, and coconut) vs traditional style chips. They also offer several gluten-free options.

Speaking of simple ingredients, just to give an example, Boulder Canyon chips Classic Sea Salt variety is cooked in Avocado Oil (which is my favorite) and has 3 ingredients; potatoes, avocado oil, and sea salt. It is also Gluten Free!
They are celebrating 25 years and while they have come out with a new look they have the same great taste and hearty crunch!
So, the next time you are preparing for a hike, make a smatter choice in snacking by bringing Boulder Canyon chips with you.
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