It’s been a while since my last blog post. Halloween was a blast. We (ok hubby) scared the crap out of all the teenagers in the neighborhood. I have started going to the gym on post in the mornings and I must say that it feels wonderful! I push myself a little more every day. I work out about an hour daily Monday through Friday and rest on the weekends.
We also found out that my Thyroid hormone is a tad bit off. I’ve known it for the last 5 years (I had all the signs and symptoms) however, for some reason it would not show on the standard test.
It took (believe it or not) going to a fertility doctor at Walter Reed for them to find it. I started my medication today. Let’s hope my energy starts coming back. I already feel great because I have started working out again, so I can only imagine what I will feel like once the meds kick in and regulate my thyroid.
And for my last piece of news….we found out yesterday morning that Jerry is on the list to be looked at for E-7!!!! WOO HOO!!!!
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