I am keeping an ongoing list of Appalachian Trail Hostel, Hotel, Business, & Area closures due to the Coronavirus along with those that have reopened. NOTICE: The list that keeps coming in is crazy and I am working almost non-stop to verify and add closures or update the closures to those that have reopened. The list grows by the minute, so make sure to check back often!
Closures are listed by Nationwide, then by state as you would hike NOBO and then by mile marker along the trail.
I am only adding VERIFIED closures or reopenings. I will not add ones based on rumors or where the closure and cannot be verified.
If you know of a business, hotel, hostel, or area that has announced they are closing due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) along the AT or that is on the list, but has reopened, please fill out the form at the bottom of this list and I will get it added/updated ASAP.
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) is asking everyone, to include day hikers, to stay off the trail. Read the entire press release here. 3/31: They will no longer recognize hikes that continue after March 31. (source) 05/01: They are still asking everyone to include day hikers to stay off the trail (source). 05/11: They are still asking everyone to stay off the trail and are putting together a task force (source).
Effective immediately, the National Park Service is closing all overnight shelters (56 total) and privies (75 total) on land administered by the Appalachian National Scenic Trail Park Office in the states of VA (10 shelters, 12 privies), MD (1 shelter, 2 privies), PA (8 shelters, 6 privies), NJ (1 shelter, 1 privy), NY (5 shelters, 5 privies), CT (7 shelters, 16 privies), MA (1 shelter, 4 privies), and ME (22 shelters, 29 privies). (source)
Smoky Mountain National Park – (Mile 167-239) – UPDATE 05/09: Park and Trail reopened! However, AT thru-hiker permits will not be issued at this time. Reservations will be accepted for backcountry shelters and are limited. You will need to obtain a backcountry permit AND shelter reservation daily. (source) Until Further Notice – PARK IS CLOSED TO INCLUDE ALL TRAILS WITHIN THE PARK AS WELL AS MOST ROADS (source). UPDATE: 3/25/2020 per the email I received from the NPS this morning, this DOES include the Appalachian Trail and permits before April 6th will be refunded. They have extended the closure to state until further notice and do not see the park opening anytime before April 30th (source)
Shenandoah National Park – (Mile 865-968) – UPDATE 06/11 Park has reopened for overnight use to include backcountry shelters and huts. (source) UPDATE 05/23: Will reopen for DAY USE ONLY. Old Rag, Whiteoak and their associated trails, as well as all boundary trailheads and picnic areas remain closed. Skyline Drive and other trails will be open from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. NO OVERNIGHT CAMPING ALLOWED. (source) OLD: Until Further Notice – CLOSED TO ALL ACCESS. The section of Appalachian Trail that runs through the park is CLOSED (Source)
Zero Day Resupply – Closed Until Further Notice – Will not be opening for the season. For those of you that planned to use them as a backup in case you could not find supplies in town, you will need to find another backup. (Source)
REI Stores – Nationwide – Closed further notice (source)
Post Offices – None along the trail at this time. Any closings of a post office will be listed here: (source)
Amazon – (Until April 6th) Amazon is restricting shipments. For those of you that may use Amazon for resupply or gear replacements, you need to read this statement from Amazon. UPDATE 4/16: Amazon is prioritizing shipments and therefore expect longer shipping times (even for those that are Prime). Some Prime 2 day shipments are now taking a month (personal experience). (source)
Grocery Stores – While most are still open, most have reduced their hours. Make sure to check before heading out. The average time most are closing is 8pm (even the 24-hour stores like Wal-Mart).
Walgreens – Only open from 9am-9pm (even the 24-hr stores) until further notice. Those with a 24-hour pharmacy drive-thru will allow the drive-thru to remain open. (source)
Len Foote Hike Inn – (Approach Trail Mile 5) – UPDATE 05/01: Open. Closed until May 1. (Source)
Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest – (Mile 1-78) UPDATE 05/21: Trailheads for the A.T will open back up on May 22, shelters will remain closed (source). Until Further Notice – Campgrounds & Facilities are closed (source). This closure DOES include the Lake Winfield Scott Recreation Area at mile 26.8. A.T. TRAILHEADS CLOSED include Dick’s Creek Gap, Hogpen Gap, Neels Gap, Springer Mountain, Tesnatee Gap, Unicoi Gap, and Woody Gap (source). Dispersed camping is still allowed along the Appalachian Trail as of 3/27/2020 but could change at any time according to a message I received from them directly.
Woodlands Edge Outfitter – Dahlonega, GA (Mile 20) – Closed until further notice. (Source)
Lake Winfield Scott Recreation Area – (Mile 26) – Closed until further notice (source)
Misty Mountain Inn – Blairsville, GA (Mile 31) – Closed Until Further Notice. (Source)
Mountain Crossings Hostel – Neel Gap (Mile 31) – Until Further notice. The hostel is closed, but the store remains open per a comment on their Facebook page.
Blairsville Bikes & Hikes – Blairsville, GA (Mile 31) – Until Further Notice – By appointment only. (Source)
City of Hiawassee – (Mile 52 & 69) UPDATE: Until May 13 – Stay at Home Orders lifted but vacation rentals closed until May 13 (source). Until April 30 – The city is closed to ALL tourists and leisure visitors per Emergency Order EO-2020-03-03
Nerfrunners Shuttle – Hiawassee, GA (Mile 52 & 69) – Until Further Notice – (source: message from shuttle driver)
Trailful Outdoor Co. – Hiawassee, GA (Mile 52 & 69) – UPDATE: Open as of May 2nd!! – Until Further Notice – Accepting phone orders for curbside pickup and free delivery to Hiawassee-area hotels. (Source)
Statewide – UPDATE 05/22 Stay at home order lifted. Restaurants now allowed to open to in-room dining (source). UPDATE 4/23: Stay at Home Order extended and Restaurants and Bars to remain closed to dining-in until at least May 8 (source). Restaurants and Bars Closed. Take out and Delivery only. (source) Stay at Home Order issued for the entire state (source)
Nantahala National Forest – UPDATE 05/21: Trailheads are opening back up. Shelters still closed (source). Until May 15 – Campgrounds will be closed and include the following campgrounds (backcountry camping is still permitted according to a comment on their Facebook page) Standing Indian Campground (mile 105) (Source)
Trailheads & Access Points & Shelters – UPDATE 05/21: Trailheads are opening back up. Shelters still closed (source). 03/26: The Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests in North Carolina, and the Cherokee National Forest in Tennessee are temporarily shutting down trailhead facilities and other access points to the Appalachian National Scenic Trail to prevent groups from congregating and to protect public health and safety. For a complete list see: (source)
All Lodging in Franklin – (Mile 110) – UPDATE 05/20: Restrictions have been lifted and are now following the State orders. (source) Per the Mayor of Franklin all lodging facilities including hotels, hostels, motels, resorts, inns, guest houses, bed and breakfasts, campgrounds, RV parks, vacation cabins, home rentals, and any and all short term rentals or leases within the said jurisdiction are ordered to be closed at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 27th, 2020. Since this is now a city-wide order, I will no longer update this list with individual closures of lodging facilities within the town of Franklin. (source)
Chica & Sunsets Hostel – Franklin, NC (Mile 110) – UPDATE 05/15: Re-opened per their website. Closed until further notice. (source)
Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC) – Franklin, NC (Mile 136) – Closed until May 8. General Store will remain open to thru-hikers for resupply and mail drops. Outfitter, Lodging, and Restaurants are closed. https://noc.com/about/covid19
Graham County, NC – (Mile 139-166) Includes Robbinsville (Mile 150) & Fontana Dam (Mile 164) – UPDATE 4/20 & Verified still in effect 05/28: Visitors are now allowed to enter into the county and barricades have been removed but MUST self-quarantine for 14 days with their own supplies. Only essential travel is allowed (source) and (source). Until further notice – All accommodation type businesses are ordered to be closed (i.e. hotels, hostels, campgrounds, etc…). Additionally beginning March 27th several highways & roads will also be closed to non-residents. Curfew in place from 10pm-6am. Source & Source
Cabins in the Woods – Robbinsville, NC (Mile 150) – Until Further Notice. Lodging is closed but shuttle service is still open. (Source)
Appalachian Inn – Robbinsville, NC (Mile 150) – Until further notice in accordance with Graham County restrictions (above) to lodging.
Fontana Lodge & Marina – Fontana Dam, NC (Mile 164) – UPDATE 06/05: Closed indefinitely as they are decided to surrender their lease per their Facebook. Closed until further notice in compliance with Graham County order above. (source)
Smoky Mountain National Park – (Mile 167-239) – UPDATE: Park and Trail reopened on May 9th! However, AT thru-hiker permits will not be issued at this time. Reservations will be accepted for backcountry shelters and are limited. You will need to obtain a backcountry permit AND shelter reservation daily. (source) Until Further Notice – PARK IS CLOSED TO INCLUDE ALL TRAILS WITHIN THE PARK AS WELL AS MOST ROADS (source). UPDATE: 3/25/2020 per the email I received from the NPS this morning, this DOES include the Appalachian Trail and permits before April 6th will be refunded. They have extended the closure to state until further notice and do not see the park opening anytime before April 30th (source)
The Trail-er (Blue Ridge Hiking Co & Bunkhouse) – Hot Springs, NC (Mile 275) – Closed Until Further Notice (source).
Hot Springs Resort & Spa – Hot Springs, NC (Mile 275) – Closed Until May 10th (source)
Elmer’s Sunnybank Inn – Hot Springs, NC (Mile 275) – Closed until further notice (source)
Laughing Heart Hostel – Hot Springs, NC (Mile 275) – UPDATE: Opened May 12. For more info, see the comments section below. Closed Indefinitely – Post made by hostel owner in Facebook Group.
Iron Horse Station – Hot Springs, NC (Mile 275) – Closed Until Further Notice. (source)
Spring Creek Tavern – Hot Springs, NC (Mile 275) – Closed Until Further Notice (source)
Statewide – Until Further Notice – Stay at home order in place. The order states that all persons who are in Tennessee are to remain at home unless engaging in an essential activity and all nonessential businesses are to close (source). UPDATE 4/30: Stay at Home Order lifted. Restaurants still encouraged to do take out and delivery only. (source)
Smoky Mountain National Park – (Mile 167-239) – UPDATE: Park and Trail reopened on May 9th! However, AT thru-hiker permits will not be issued at this time. Reservations will be accepted for backcountry shelters and are limited. You will need to obtain a backcountry permit AND shelter reservation daily. (source) Until Further Notice – PARK IS CLOSED TO INCLUDE ALL TRAILS WITHIN THE PARK AS WELL AS MOST ROADS (source). UPDATE: 3/25/2020 per the email I received from the NPS this morning, this DOES include the Appalachian Trail and permits before April 6th will be refunded. They have extended the closure to state until further notice and do not see the park opening anytime before April 30th (source)
Trailheads & Access Points & Shelters – UPDATE 05/21: Trailheads reopen. Shelters still closed (source). Until Further Notice – The Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests in North Carolina, and the Cherokee National Forest in Tennessee are temporarily shutting down trailhead facilities and other access points to the Appalachian National Scenic Trail to prevent groups from congregating and to protect public health and safety. For a complete list see: (source)
A Walk in the Woods (Shuttle & Resupply) – Gatlinburg, TN (Mile 207) – Closed until April 30. (source)
NOC Gatlinburg – Gatlinburg, TN (Mile 207) – Operations suspended until April 30. Limited services for thru-hikers. (source)
The Day Hiker (resupply) – (Mile 207) – Until Further Notice. (source)
Big Creek Campground – GSMNP (Mile 239) – See Great Smoky Mountain National Park closure above.
Nature’s Inn Hostel and Cabins – Flag Pond, TN (mile 319) – UPDATE 05/05: Now Open! (source) Closed for Season (source)
Uncle Johnny’s – Erwin, TN (Mile 344) – UPDATE 04/30: Will reopen on May 15th (source) Closed until May 1st. (source)
HikerShuttles.com (SHUTTLE SERVICE) – (Mile 344) – Closed until May 31. (source)
Far Not Fast Hiker Home & Shuttle – Elizabethton, TN (Mile 428) – Closed until further notice. Posted by the hostel in Guthook App.
Statewide – UPDATE 05/26 – Face masks are required to be worn when in a public indoor setting (source) Updated May 15: Virginia moves into Phase 1 however some localities remain in Phase 0 (source). OLD: Restaurants may only offer delivery and take-out service. All nonessential businesses are ordered closed. (source) Additionally, a stay at home order is in effect until June 10th (source). It is a class 1 misdemeanor to violate the order. For the most up to date reopenings see their website.
Shelters & Privies – Closed until further notice – All shelters and privies on land operated by the Appalachian National Scenic Trail Office. This includes the following shelters: Johns Spring, Catawba Mtn, Campbell, Calf Mtn, Tom Floyd Wayside, Jim and Molly Denton, Whiskey Hollow, Rod Hollow, Sam Moore, David Lesse Memorial. All Shelters in Shenandoah remain closed under their park order. (source)
AT Trailheads & Access points – UPDATE 05/21: Trailheads reopen. Shelters still closed (source). George Washington & Jefferson National Forests – Closed until further notice. You will not be able to get shuttle service from these trailheads or resupply. (source)
Town of Damascus – (Mile 470) – Police are asking all AT Hikers to stay away and get off the trail. (source)
The Place Hostel – Damascus, VA (Mile 470) – Closed Until Further Notice (source)
SongPeddler / Woodchuck Hostel – Damascus, VA (Mile 470) – Closed until further notice.
Mountain Laurel Inn – Damascus, VA (Mile 470) – Closed Until April 3. (source)
Grayson Highlands State Park Campground – (Mile 501) – Until April 30. Campground & Facilities closed. (source)
Grayson Highlands General Store & Inn (and Shuttle) – (Mile 502) – Closed until further notice. (source)
Sufi Lodge B&B and Hiker Hostel – Troutdale, VA (Mile 519) – UPDATE: 05/05 Open, We are only accepting two rooms total so we can make sure to provide a safe environment for guests. We also offer shuttle services for guests only. (source: email from owner). Closed until April 13 then will reassess. (source)
Quarter Way Inn – Ceres, VA (Mile 555) – Closed until further notice. – Will NOT open April 1 as planned. Will be offering their existing stock of resupply items for sale online and you can still mail a resupply box to them for pick up. Source.
Mountain Garden Hostel – Burkes Garden, VA (Mile 576) – Until Further Notice. Still offering shuttle. No bunks are available. A long-term stay option is available for hikers trapped on the trail. (source)
Lickskillet Hostel – Bland, VA (Mile 604) – Closed Until Further Notice. (source)
Woods Hole Hostel – Pearisburg, VA (Mile 625) – closed until further notice to drive in visitors. Will remain OPEN for thru-hikers! (source)
Mile 697-735 – UPDATE: Open as of 06/13, it is opened back up. (source) CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE – This section of the trail is closed until further notice. The Appalachian National Scenic Trail is closing all access and use to 27 miles of APPA-owned land in Central Virginia known as the “Triple Crown.” The “Triple Crown” closure includes all National Park Service owned land between VA Route 624 (Newport Road) and VA Route 652 (Mountain Pass Road). This area includes McAfee Knob and Tinker Cliffs. Access to Dragon’s Tooth which is on U.S. Forest Service-owned land, has already been closed. (source)
Glasgow Hikers Shelter – (Mile 787) – Until Further Notice. The shelter located in and provided by the Town of Glasgow is closed until further notice, per the ATC website.
Spy Rock Trail Head – (Mile 825) – Until Further Notice. (source)
Blue Ridge Parkway – (Mile 845-865) – UPDATE Parkway is now open for driving. Backcountry campsites still closed. (source). Until further notice. The road is closed and therefore access to the trailheads is inaccessible. You will need to leave the trail BEFORE this point as SNP (to include the AT) is completely closed (see below). (source)
Paul C. Wolfe Shelter – (Mile 859) – closed as part of Blue Ridge Parkway facility closures designed to slow the spread of COVID-19. Effective immediately, backcountry campers and A.T. thru-hikers with reservations for this location are authorized to use a tent outside the shelter to provide for social distancing. Restrooms on the Blue Ridge Parkway are also closed. (source: ATC website).
Shenandoah National Park – (Mile 865-968) – UPDATE 06/11 Park has reopened for overnight use to include backcountry shelters and huts. (source) UPDATE 05/23: Will reopen for DAY USE ONLY. Old Rag, Whiteoak and their associated trails, as well as all boundary trailheads and picnic areas remain closed. Skyline Drive and other trails will be open from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. NO OVERNIGHT CAMPING ALLOWED. (source) OLD: Until Further Notice – CLOSED TO ALL ACCESS. The section of Appalachian Trail that runs through the park is CLOSED (Source)
Mimslyn Inn – Luray, VA (Mile 934) – Until further notice. Only cottages are available. (source)
Mountain Trails Basecamp Thru-Hiker Facility – Front Royal, VA (Mile 972) – closed until further notice. (source)
Morgans Mill Road/Va. 605 Trailhead Parking – (Mile 999) – UPDATE 4/21: TRAILHEAD HAS REOPENED! Closed Until Further Notice – VDOT has closed the Appalachian Trailhead parking at Morgans Mill Road/Va. 605.
Snickers Gap/Va. 7 A.T. Trailhead Parking – (Mile 1006) – UPDATE 4/21: TRAILHEAD HAS REOPENED! Closed Until Further Notice. VDOT has closed the Appalachian Trailhead parking on Va. 679, just off US Va. 7 at Snickers Gap.
Blackburn AT Center – (Mile 1013) – Closed until further notice. (source)
Statewide – UPDATE 05/04: Restaurants will be allowed to do dining-in under restrictions (source) Until Further Notice – Restaurants and bars closed to dine-in. Carryout, delivery, and drive-thru are allowed. (source)
ATC Visitor’s Center – Harpers Ferry, WV (Mile 1026) – Closed until further notice (source)
Statewide – Restaurants and Bars Closed – Until Further Notice – Take out, Delivery, and Drive-Thru only. Stay at Home Oder in place. Verified still in effect as of 4/30 (source)
Overnight Camping – Statewide – UPDATED: Camping is allowed as of May 7th with reservations at DNR campgrounds only. (source) Until May 11 – Camping and Shelters are closed. REMINDER: No camping is permitted alongside the shelters or anywhere along the A.T. during the 40-mile stretch through Maryland. (Source)
Shelters & Privies – Closed until further notice – All shelters and privies on land operated by the Appalachian National Scenic Trail Office. This includes the following shelters: Ed Garvey Shelter. All other shelters and campsites in Maryland remain closed under the state order. There is no place to legally spend the night on the AT in the state of Maryland. (source)
Statewide – All businesses to close that are not life-sustaining (i.e. healthcare, banks, grocery stores will remain open). Restaurants are only open for takeout. Stay at Home Order in effect Until May 8. Verified still in effect 4/30 (source)
Shelters & Privies – Closed until further notice – All shelters and privies on land operated by the Appalachian National Scenic Trail Office. This includes the following shelters: Alec Kennedy, Clarks Ferry, Peters Mtn, William Penn, 501, Windsor Furnace, Eckville, and George W. Outerbridge. All shelters in Michaux State Park plus Leroy Smith and Kirkridge remain closed under a separate state order. (source)
State Parks & Forests Facilities & AT Shelters – Until April 30 – Hiking is still allowed, but camping and facilities are closed in State Park Areas. This will cause Pine Grove Furnace General Store (mile 1297) to not open on their scheduled date of April 11th (source). Backpacking and primitive camping on Forest lands are still allowed per a comment on their Facebook page. However, shelters on Pennsylvania DCNR lands are closed per the ATC and include the following shelters:
- Deer Lick (mile 1071.7)
- Tumbling Run (mile 1075.3)
- Rocky Mountain (108.9)
- Quarry Gap (mile 1087.5)
- Birch Run (mile 1094.9)
- Toms Run (mile 1101.1)
- James Fry at Tagg Run (mile 1112.0)
- Eagles Nest (mile 1211.2)
- Leroy Smith (mile 1275.9)
- Kirkridge (mile 1289.6)
https://www.media.pa.gov/Pages/DCNR_details.aspx?newsid=647 & http://www.appalachiantrail.org/home/explore-the-trail/trail-updates#PA
Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) Lodging – Closed until April 30 – https://www.outdoors.org/articles/newsroom/amc-preparations-for-covid-19
ATC Visitor Center – Boiling Springs, PA (Mile 1124) – Closed until further notice. https://wildeast.appalachiantrail.org/explore/plan-and-prepare/hiking-basics/health/covid19/
Hamburg Reservoir Watershed Lands – appx. (Mile 1219 – 1235) – Trail Closed Until Further Notice – The Borough of Hamburg has closed the A.T. that runs on Hamburg Reservoir Watershed Lands to public access. This closure affects the A.T. from about 2.0 miles north of Port Clinton to approximately 2.5 miles south of Hawk Mountain Road and includes Pulpit Rock vista and The Pinnacle vista. According to the Police Dept Facebook page, those caught will be arrested. (source)
Delaware Water Gap NRA – (Mile 1291 – 1320) – Until May 22 – All backcountry campsites on the A.T. and on the Delaware River within Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (in Pennsylvania and New Jersey) are closed. (source)
APPALACHIAN TRAIL – Closed Until Further Notice – Due to the threat posed to public health from COVID-19, Governor Phil Murphy signed EO 119, ordering all state parks, forests & county parks closed. Hiking is prohibited and State Park Police will be patrolling the areas looking for violators. (source) UPDATE: 4/30 Beginning May 2, State Parks & Forests have reopened for hiking with restrictions, however, each county can choose when to open their parks. (source)
Statewide – Until Further notice – Curfew from 8pm-5am. Restaurants and bars closed (restaurants can offer takeout and delivery). https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/new-jersey/2020/03/16/nj-curfew-coronavirus-prompts-statewide-curfew-gov-murphy/5057576002/
Shelter In Place Order – A shelter in place was ordered on March 21st beginning at 9pm. Read more about the restrictions here.
Shelters & Privies – Closed until further notice – All shelters and privies on land operated by the Appalachian National Scenic Trail Office. This includes the following shelters: Pochuck Mtn Shelter. All other shelters in NJ remain closed under a separate state order. (source)
Shelters & Privies – Overnight Camping Discouraged – Until Further Notice – Shelters and privies on the A.T. in the state of New Jersey have been closed until further notice. Overnight camping is discouraged, though still allowed around the shelter. Camping in areas other than those designated by signs is also prohibited; campfires are also prohibited. The Trail itself remains open. Also NJ State Parks & Forests Website overnight camping is not allowed. http://www.appalachiantrail.org/home/explore-the-trail/trail-updates / https://wildeast.appalachiantrail.org/explore/plan-and-prepare/hiking-basics/health/covid19/ & https://www.state.nj.us/dep/parksandforests/
AMC Mohican Outdoor Center – Blairstown, NJ (Mile 1306) – Closed until July 1st (source).
Pochuck Boardwalk & Bridge – Vernon, NJ (Mile 1358) – Until Further Notice – The Pochuck Boardwalk on the Appalachian Trail, a 1.5-mile section off Route 517 in Glenwood, is CLOSED. This trail’s boardwalk and bridge are too narrow for visitors to maintain the required six feet of social distancing. (source: ATC)
Statewide – Until Further notice – Restaurants and bars closed (restaurants can offer takeout and delivery). Statewide Stay At Home Order. No non-essential travel. (source)
Shelters & Privies – Closed until further notice – All shelters and privies on land operated by the Appalachian National Scenic Trail Office. This includes the following shelters: Wildcat, RPH, Morgan Stewart, Telephone Pioneers, and Wiley. (source)
Harriman & Bear Mountain State Park – Road and Shelter Closures Until Further Notice. (Mile 1386 – 1406). Effective April 24 the following roads will be CLOSED:
- Exit 16 off the Palisades Interstate Parkway
- Lake Welch Drive to St. John’s Road
- Tiorati Brook Road
- Rte. 106 from Kanawauke Circle to Rte. 17
- Arden Valley Road
All trail shelters within this area closed at this time, however tenting is permitted within 300ft of the shelters. (source)
Statewide – Until Further notice – Restaurants and bars closed (restaurants can offer takeout and delivery). (source)
Shelters & Privies – Closed until further notice – All shelters and privies on land operated by the Appalachian National Scenic Trail Office. This includes the following shelters: Ten Mile River, Mt. Algo, Stewart Hollow Brook, Pine Swamp Brook, Limestone Spring, Riga, and Brassie Brook. (source)
Bulls Bridge Recreation Area & AT Gate – Kent, CT – Until Further Notice – Effective immediately Bulls Bridge Recreation Area and North Kent Road Recreation Area are closed until further notice. Additionally, the AT gate on River Road is also closed. (source)
Statewide – Unitil May 18 – Restaurants and bars can offer takeout and delivery only. All businesses that are not essential to the Covid-19 response are ordered closed. Hotels and Lodging ordered closed except to provide lodging for essential workers. (source)
State Park Facilities – Closed until May 18. For a fluid list of closures, see the link. All State Parks & Comfort Stations are remaining OPEN.(source)
Overnight Camping Along Appalachian Trail – (Mile 1508-1599) – Until Further Notice. Appalachian Trail shelters, campsites, and privies within the Massachusetts state parks system are temporarily closed due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Additionally, camping is always prohibited outside of these areas along the 90-miles of the Appalachian Trail in Massachusetts. (source) & (source)
Shelters & Privies – Closed until further notice – All shelters and privies on land operated by the Appalachian National Scenic Trail Office. This includes the following shelters: Upper Goose Pond. All other shelters and campsites in Massachusetts remain closed under a separate state order (see above). There is no legal place to spend the night along the AT in Massachusetts. (source)
Statewide – Updated 05/01 – Until May 15 – Restaurants and bars closed except for takeout and delivery. Lodging closed until June 15. (source)
Green Mountain National Forest – Overnight camping not allowed and privies closed until further notice. Areas affected: Appalachian Trail and Long Trail Shelters and Privies: Churchill Scott, Governor Clement, Clarendon (privy only), Stony Brook, Winturri, Thistle Hill, Happy Hill, Minerva Hinchey, Greenwall, Little Rock Pond, Big Branch, Lost Pond, Griffith Lake, Peru Peak, Bromley, Spruce Peak, Douglas, Stratton Pond, Story Spring, Kid Gore, Goddard, Melville Nauheim, Congdon, and Seth Warner. As of 05/06 (source)
Overnight Sites, Shelters & Privies – Until Further Notice – The Green Mountain Club, which maintains the Vermont AT section, has asked that hikers not use any overnight sites, shelters, or privies until further notice; and to limit all hikes to day hikes only. (Source)
Appalachian Trail – (Miles 1599-1704) – UPDATE 05/06: Trail now open (see notices above for additional closures)…..Until Further Notice – the Appalachian Trail/Long Trail and side trails on state lands are closed by the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation. (source)
Statewide – (Updated 05/01) – Until May 31 – Restaurants and bars closed except for takeout, drive-thru, delivery, and outside dining. Hotels, Hostels, and all lodging to remain closed except to house essential workers. Campgrounds are only open to NH residents. (source)
White Mountain National Forest – All Shelters, Campsites, and Tent sites on A.T. in New Hampshire are Closed (source map) & (source map). All Shelters, campsites, and tent sites on the Appalachian Trail, from Hanover to the New Hampshire/Maine state line in the Mahoosucs are closed per the ATC website. UPDATE 05/01: Trailheads are reopening (source) To see a list of trailheads that remain closed and those that have opened back up, see this link. Per the White Mountain National Forest Website several trailheads are closed to include
- Beaver Brook Trailhead
- Ethan Pond Trailhead
- Smarts Mountain Trailhead
- Moose Mountain Trailhead
- Ore Hill Trailhead
- Cutler River Drainage (Pinkham Notch Trailhead)
Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) Lodging – Closed until July 1 (updated 4/30) – This includes the huts in the White Mountains which are closed for the 2020 season and will not open. (source)
The Notch Hostel – North Woodstock, NH (Mile 1803) – Closed until May 1
AMC White Mountain Hiker Shuttle – (Mile 1803) – Closed for the 2020 season. (source)
Statewide – Until May 31 – Restaurants and bars closed except for takeout, drive-thru, and delivery. (source) UPDATE 4/30: Safer at Home order extended until May 31. New visitors to Maine required to self-quarantine for 14 days upon entering Maine. (source)
Shelters & Privies – Closed until further notice – All shelters and privies on land operated by the Appalachian National Scenic Trail Office. This includes the following shelters: Frye Notch, Hall Mtn, Bemis Mtn, Piazza Rock, Poplar Ridge, Spaulding Mtn, West Carry Pond, Pierce Pond, Pleasant Pond, Bald Mtn, Moxie Bald, Horseshoe Canyon, Leeman Brook, Wilson Valley, Chairback Gap, Carl A. Newhall, Logan Brook, East Branch (Pleasant River), Cooper Brook Falls, Potaywadjo Spring, Nahmakanta Stream, and Wadleigh Stream. (source)
Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) Lodging – Closed until July 1 (updated 04/30) Huts closed for the 2020 season. – (source)
Hostel of Maine – Carrabassett Valley, Maine (Mile 2004) – UPDATE 06/26-OPEN (source). Closed Until the Sugarloaf Marathon in May
ATC Visitor Center – Monson, ME (Mile 2075) – Closed until further notice. (source)
Baxter State Park – (Mile 2178) – UPDATED: July 1st, OPEN!!! Until July 1 – Camping no longer allowed until the start of summer season. Offices and headquarters closed. Katahdin and Travelers trails closed at trailheads. Source

Boots Off Hostel & Campground, right next to trail (1/10th of a mile) at mile 428 (northbound) Shook Branch Rd and right next to Watauga Lake, has a small General Store, hiker resupply, snacks, frozen food, drinks and free shuttles to Hampton which also has additional resupply, food, and dinner options still available. Free mail drops when staying with us, free shuttle to town, free shuttle pick-up from Hampton or Laurel Fork blue blaze trailhead and much more. One stop right next to trail to help take care of all hiker needs. No extra walking or wait for shuttles to get to the hostel. 239-218-3904
The Hiker Hut on route 4 in Rangeley, Maine WILL BE OPENING ON JULY 1ST FOR THE 2020 HIKER SEASON.
Looking at the Mass. Parks info, the only one that would be close to the AT is the Greylock Visitors Center and even that is not on the usual routes that most hikers would take, so probably not an issue.
Would be more of an issue if they include Bascom Lodge (at the top of Greylock, which likely isn’t open for the season yet), or any of the state forests/campgrounds in the Berkshires that the AT would travel through.
Nutty Hiker! Thank you so, so much for keeping track of closures. I hope you find time to go out on the trail again….
The Hiker Yearbook will be on trail with a Mobil hand washing station and helping hikers limit their town visits. HIKERS HIKE!!!
Thanks for this list! I know for us thru-hikers that are staying on the trail, this is extremely helpful!
Any chance we could find a list of shuttle drivers that won’t be driving anymore? Would help a lot with logistics out here (NC/TN for us). We plan on walking to the post office when we can, but might not always be reasonable.
If we get any in, they will be on this list =)
Chica and Sunsets now closed until further notice
Mountain Home B&B and Cabbin near Front Royal, VA is open with a strict sanitizing protocol in effect. The Cabbin normally sleeps up to 8 people, but is currently limited to a single group or individual at a time. The Main House has several rooms, so we can spread people out. We’ll do our best to support hikers but can’t sustain large groups right now. Call ahead to confirm availability: 540-692-6198.
Bridget, Thanks for all your work keeping us updated. Please note the Laughing Heart Hostel in Hot Springs NC opens 12 May. We are limiting occupancy to 10 hikers until further notice. Rates (cash only at this time) remain the same at $20 for a bunk, $35 for single private, and $45 for double private. That includes a shower w/ soap, shampoo, and towel. Laundry (wash n dry) is still just $5.