Well, my youngest daughter went to her first homecoming dance here in Texas (or anywhere). For those that are not aware of Texas homecoming traditions, well they are a big deal y’all! In fact, the week leading up to the game on Friday is a huge deal. Those mums on Friday are an even bigger deal!
Anyway, she came home from school on Friday and realized she could not find her school I.D., but was sure it was in her room somewhere, so she didn’t think too much of it.
Saturday morning came; she knew that before I would take her to get her nails done, that her room needed to be clean. She got up and started working on her room. At some point, she decided to get her gown and everything she would need (to include her school I.D.) together.
The problem? She couldn’t find her school I.D. She spent the rest of the day (we are talking the better part of 8 hours y’all) going through everything in her room to include the pockets of all of her clothes and pulling furniture away from the wall to see if it fell behind it.
Every couple of hours, I would check on her and even ask if she wanted me to look. The answer was always no. She was upset and at some point called her friend she was going with to let her know she couldn’t find her I.D., so she wouldn’t be able to go.
The dance started at 7 pm. Around 6:40 p.m., after deciding to go ahead and lay down to start settling in for the night, she pounds on the bedroom door screaming, “I found it, I found it.”
(EDIT: She found it on her bookcase under her eyeglass case, right in plain site!!!)
I fly out of bed, grab her gown (that she handed to me just a couple of hours before with despair on her face), start running to her room yelling at her to call her friend to let her know.
She gets her friend on the phone and tells her she will be ready in 10 minutes. I help her into her dress as her friend is pulling up.
She quickly puts on some makeup, brushes her hair, her shoes, and puts on a necklace with matching earrings. We take some quick pictures and 15 minutes after finding her I.D. we are headed to the high school!

That, y’all, is the quickest I have ever seen her (or a teen girl for that matter) get ready. Typically, I spend an hour telling her to get ready and she spends another hour actually getting ready.
You look beautiful Harlee! ❤️ Have fun! Love you bunches.
I love her dress
So where WAS her ID?
Great story
Lmao I read the story, that’s why me and my friends never went at 7 we’d go an hour to and hour and a half later
I don’t understand why it’s so hard to keep up with an ID? Don’t girls carry purses anymore?
I barley do but with my job it’s hard to keep one so I just carry my wallet in my pocket lol
Well that makes sense. At least it’s in a wallet.
I always took mine off and pinned it to my rear view mirror as soon as I got to my truck
I guess I should add that to the post…it was on her bookcase, under her eyeglass case! So pretty much in plain site!