I couldn’t wait to read Rest Assured: A Recovery Plan for Weary Souls by Vicki Courtney. Upon reading it, it felt like she wrote this book just for me. I am that person that fills her calendar up; because in my eyes a busy life is a productive and fulfilling life. It means that my life has meaning.
The problem with that notion is that it also creates a stressful life; so much so that it has created health problems in myself, not to mention I never feel like I can rest, even when I am resting!
To top it off I decided (because my life wasn’t busy enough being a freelance journalist/writer, professional photographer, blogger, and volunteering almost 20 hours a week) to go back to work part-time as the editor of our local newspaper here in Harker Heights about four months ago.
After reading the book I have realized not only what I have done by creating this chaos hectic life, but now I have ways to “undo” it, so to speak. After each chapter she has a rest stop and intervention worksheet that really helps you to realize what that busyness is really doing to your mind, body, and soul.
Additionally she also has four 1-week dares, a 30 day restoration guide, and 100 ways to give it a rest. All of which will help you find a way to commit time to just yourself, so you can really relax and recharge your mind, body, and soul.
This really goes along with one of my recent blog posts and column in which I speak about taking time out for yourself, even if it is just once a month, to pamper yourself. She, however, states you should take 15-30 minutes per day to retreat to quiet time (hey I am all for that.)
Buy Rest Assured on Amazon.
Back Cover Book Description
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28)
Women are overcommitted, overconnected, overburdened, and overwhelmed. Their lives are full, but oddly, their souls are empty. They are aching for a bold challenge—one that will bring rest to their longing souls. Rest Assured is for the daring women who truly want to disrupt their current patterns and see lasting change.
Divided into two parts, Rest Assured offers not just an intervention:
The Badge of Busyness
The Exhausting Pursuit of Happiness
Tethered Souls
Worried Sick
But also a recovery plan:
Prioritize the One Thing Needed: Time for God
Create Room to Breathe: Time for Solitude
Give Yourself a Break: Time for Leisure
Pay It Forward: Time for Others
If the soul is weary, it’s time for an intervention. Rest Assured is not a quick fix, but rather a bold challenge that aids women in identifying the negative patterns that prevent them from experiencing rest in their souls. Most importantly, it will give them the tools needed to break the cycle.
A “Rest Stop” challenge is included at the end of each chapter for use in Bible studies and book clubs. Bonus material includes a 30-Day Restitution Plan and 100 Ways to Give It a Rest.
How difficult is it do something as simple as rest!? Man for us busy mamas and wives it is like pulling teeth. I ordered the book through your link with hopes that I will reach some clarity and rest as I take on 2018! I’m loving your blog BTW!!