It has been three months since the fire at Dana Peak Park, and while I was out there and was able to see the devastation as it happened; I wasn’t prepared for what I saw today.
Jerry wasn’t out there that day with the fire department (he was at his paid job aka the Army) so he didn’t get to see just how bad it was.
We hiked about 2.5 miles today and while my husband complained (as usual) but it was great being back on the trails. I am really hoping to start back on a regular schedule again!
Dana Peak Park After The Fire
The area in which the fire burned is where sidewinder trail is located. The trail for the most part zigzags alongside Comanche Gap Road (the main road that leads to the park).
What use to be sidewinder trail has mostly been covered in debris or just completely gone from the bulldozers. There are sections here and there that were left untouched. There were other trails also in that area that are now completely gone.
You know it’s weird looking at it now because I was out there as it was burning and for some reason at the time, it didn’t seem that bad. It’s weird how after things settle down, that’s when you really get the clear picture.
The trails were also extremely muddy and had standing water throughout. I can only assume it is left over from the flooding we had a couple of months back as we really haven’t had much rain lately.
smckenney says
“You know it’s weird looking at it now because I was out there as it was burning and for some reason at the time, it didn’t seem that bad. It’s weird how after things settle down, that’s when you really get the clear picture.”
As I read this, I couldn’t help but see some kind of life lesson using this as the analogy. You are a good writer, Bridget.