I started seeing a lot of beauty subscription boxes in my newsfeed on Facebook, so I set out to find any that were geared towards hikers and outdoor lovers. While I found several subscription boxes for hikers (more than what I list below) many had bad reviews such as cheap crappy items or they simply never received their box.
After checking out reviews, I have determined the 10 below are the best of the best subscription boxes for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts! Of course, you should always do your own research.
10 Best Subscription Boxes for Hikers & Outdoor Enthusiasts
Cairn – One of the most popular subscription boxes for hikers among outdoor and hiking enthusiasts! They have great reviews online. It is 29.95 monthly or $359.40 for the year. You can also choose 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6-month subscriptions as well. You can also opt to do their quarterly Obsidian box subscription which claims to have over $300 worth of items for just $199 a quarter.
Cache Crate – This is for all those geocache lovers out there! They offer a one-time, monthly, or quarterly subscription. Their quarterly subscription is called the Hero Subscription and is like the monthly subscription except MUCH bigger (according to their website). Unlike some of the others, the higher subscription you choose for the monthly version (such as 1-3-6 months) you get a discount. Their monthly price runs from $19-$22/month depending on which monthly membership you choose. Hero memberships are $150/qaurter and single one-time boxes are $23.
Isle Box – Isle Box offers both one-time purchases as well as monthly and seasonal subscriptions. You can choose either the National Parks box ($120) or Starter box ($199.99) as a one time purchase. Monthly subscriptions are $45/month ($60 value) and seasonal are $125/season ($170 value). Looking at past boxes, the seasonal boxes look like pretty cool and useful gear was sent out! Also, if you purchase 4-seasons in advance you save $75.
The Nomadik – Like the others, this company offers both a one-time buy and a monthly subscription plan. However, they do not offer seasonal or quarterly plans. Also like many of the others, if you choose to pay for your boxes in advance, you get a discount. Monthly subscriptions are $31/month (if paid monthly) and have a value of up to $50. The company claims on their site that there will never be any “junk”, samples, or trinkets in their boxes, and boxes will have 3-5 high-end products in each box. Update: Caution about this company may be in order, Check out my review and unboxing video here.
BattlBox – So this company is definitely geared more towards the guys and more towards “survival” type gear. Instead of offering one-time, monthly, and quarterly subscriptions, this company offers “levels” of subscriptions instead ranging from $24.99-$149.99 a month. Higher levels give you more items and more value for the buck.
Wild Woman – A monthly subscription box that is curated by women for women because they “believe every woman has a bit of wild in them and getting outside usually helps”. Each box includes gear, inspiration, snacks and body products. You can choose to pay $37.95 monthly or prepay for 3 months at $112.95.
Hiker Crate – They look pretty new but claim to send 5-8 hiker items in every Hiker Crate, but they do warn that crate sizes vary due to using different suppliers every month. They claim each box will be up to a $65 value. They only offer monthly subscriptions, but do offer a discount if you choose the 3, 6, or 12-month plan.
Hikewize – Offers boxes 4 shipments per year with high-quality hiking gear. There are 5 to 7 full-size products in each box as well as general trail tips and advice when visiting various national parks. A typical box value is $150 – $200. You can choose to pay quarterly at $55/box or yearly for $200 ($50/box).
Think Outside – This box is a little different as it is geared to those who have children ages 7 and older. Each monthly box covers a new theme from outdoor shelters and night-time discovery to first aid and nutrition and is meant to be used as a curriculum. Each box comes with a 24+ page education and activity booklet, resource cards, outdoor challenges, and 3 – 5 pieces of quality gear. Boxes are sent monthly and cost $39.95 if you choose to pay monthly.
Adventure Standard (looks like they are now out of business)- Monthly adventure box for badass women. Created by women for women. All goods are made in the USA. From the website: “When you sign-up, you get to tell us about your likes, dislikes, and activities you take part in. We cater that box with gear, supplies, clothing, healthy food items, accessories, tools, products, inspiration and help you forward into your next adventure.” While not hiking related check out my review of Smartass & Sass subscription box.
Have you found a subscription box for hikers or outdoor lovers? Comment below and let me know!
*Disclaimer: The above prices and values were checked against each company’s website at the time of this post and are subject to change. I was not paid or sponsored to write this post, nor have I received any product for free. This is simply information from my own research. As always, please do your own research before ordering from any company.

Disclaimer: This post is for informational / educational purposes only. Opinions expressed in this post are not intended to provide specific financial, legal, or medical advice / recommendation. Bridget is not a lawyer, financial advsior, medical professional, therapist, astronomer or palm reader. You use this information in this post and elsewhere on the site at your own risk. This information on this site should not be taken as any type of professional advice. You should always consult a professional for any kind of legal, medical, or financial advice.
Cool! I love subscription boxes!
Me too! I want to do them all, but my wallet says no haha
These look pretty awesome!
Adventure Standard Subscription Box for Bad A** women. Very nice box, geared for women.
Thanks for sharing! I added it and just checked it out as well! Looks pretty cool! I love how it is geared toward women!
Steel to Reel looks like a GREAT DEAL with superb gear. Have you reviewed it?
I have not! Actually, have never heard of them. Hopefully, they will reach out to me about reviewing it =)
Just fyi, the Adventure Standard link at the bottom, one of the “bonus”es, is incorrect.
Thank you! It looks like they are now out of business. I have updated the post.