This is how to add an email address to your safe sender’s list for Gmail and Yahoo. These are the two most common free email services people use. If you use something other than Gmail or Yahoo, please see the full list here.
In order to make sure that an email from me does not go to your spam/junk folder please make sure to add me to your safe sender’s list by doing the following:
- Open Gmail. In the upper-right corner, select the Settings (gear) icon. From the menu, choose Settings.
- Select Filters and Blocked Addresses.
- Select Create a new filter. If you already have many filters, you’ll have to scroll down to find this link.
- A dialog box appears. In the From field, type
- At the bottom of the dialog box, select Create filter.
- On the next screen select Never send it to Spam.
- Click Create Filter.
- Open your Yahoo mailbox.
- Click the “Options” gear icon in the top-right corner. Click “Options.
- Choose “Filters” on the list of options on the left of the screen. Click “Add New Filters”. Type Not Spam “Filter Name” field.
- Under the “Set rules” section, choose from and type
- Under “Choose a folder to move to” section select Inbox.
- Click Save.
Hotmail / MSN / Windows
- Click on “Options” in the upper right corner of your Hotmail screen.
- Then click the link for “Safe and Blocked Senders” in the body of the page under Junk e-mail.
- Click the “Safe Senders” link and enter to whitelist.
- Click “Add” to put it on your list.
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