Granted PTSD itself is an abbreviation, but it’s still four letters. I was surprised to hear today someone ask me what PTSD is. So for those that may not be familiar, it stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Back in the old days, it was referred to using different terms. The actual medical definition can be found at the end of this blog post. Instead, I am going to give you my definition as it applies to me.
PTSD is when your loved one goes to war, witnesses, or participates in some really messed up stuff for months even a year at a time. Comes home and it’s in the normalcy of life back here in the U.S. they are able to try and process what has happened to them. It’s then that night terrors happen which cause them to re-live the moments over and over again. Mood swings that would put 100 women all PMSing at the same time to shame. Depression in which most feel they need to end their lives. Pushing those that you love the most away. And the thinking that they are monsters and all alone. This is just my definition as it applies to me. Just some of what I have witnessed.
I am a Military Wife of a husband with PTSD. I am NOT ashamed. I am PROUD to be his wife. He is not a monster, nor is he Superman. But he is my hero.
These past 24 hours have been probably the worst yet (and we have been dealing with this for well over a year and will continue to do so for years maybe even a lifetime to come). Some of you may have witnessed it on my Facebook or his. Some would say that this doesn’t need to be talked about. That it is a private matter. Sorry but this does need to be talked about. It needs to be brought to the public’s attention, that our men and women in uniform need more resources in dealing with this from the very same government that sends them to the war that has caused this.
Right now I honestly feel like I am at my breaking point. I am tired. I am worn out. I cannot do this on my own anymore. The military and government need to know that they cannot abuse us (the spouses and family members) by making us clean up their mess. This is what causes divorces. They know our guys are coming back with this and yet refuse to help them instead they leave it up to the spouses and family members to “fix” it. There needs to be programs and support groups that are government-sponsored for not only our men and women in uniform but those that love them. We spouses play a HUGE role in their recovery. I am aware of this, but who is supporting the spouses?
Sorry I know I am on a rant here. But writing has a tendency to calm me down. And I also know that maybe this will help those who may not be as informed, understand that it is not only the service member that suffers. It’s also the person that has always stood next to them.
So why did I title this blog entry PTSD, it seems to be the other 4 letter word? Simple. No one seems to want to talk about it. People feel it is inappropriate to talk about it or admit that you or a loved one has it. Sorry, but I have never been the quiet type. And I will talk about this 4 letter word to anyone that will listen.
I know there are several of my readers with PTSD. Y’all have been tremendous in helping me cope and understand this. Please feel free to comment and post your thoughts on this.
post-traumatic stress disorder
Abbr. PTSD
A psychological disorder affecting individuals who have experienced or witnessed profoundly traumatic events, such as torture, murder, rape, or wartime combat, characterized by recurrent flashbacks of the traumatic event, nightmares, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, forgetfulness, and social withdrawal.
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