The purge continues as I am working on doing a second purge of all of our belongings in preparation to live a nomad life both in an RV and hiking long trails.
I am not only purging our physical items but also our digital life. Seriously that is something everyone should be doing once a year anyway.
The Emotional Struggle
As I finish up the second round of purging our clothes, I realize that I keep skipping my ball gowns. My T-Shirts were easy to part with, I simply made the sentimental ones into quilts. Side note, Project Repat does amazing T-Shirt quilts. We’ve had 6 quilts made so far, all different sizes!!!!! I really should do a review on them. Another side note: we refuse to buy any more T-shirts from our travels from now on lol.
Anyway, back to the ballgowns, these were all from the 20 years of being a Military Wife and going to Military balls. I still have the very first ball gown I ever wore (with my ex-husband) as well as the very last one and most of the ones in between. Why am I having such a hard time parting with these?!?!?! I am 70 pounds heavier than when I wore my first one and the likely hood that I will ever be able to fit into that again is 0%.
Here are some, for your viewing pleasure lol.

But, here I am, trying to rationalize why I should keep it along with 6 other ones that I can’t seem to part with. I will say that I have already parted with three, so we are making progress, but not enough progress lol.
Ready to be Done
I keep getting anxious as I make my way through all this stuff for a second round. It’s making me anxious just wanting to be done already. But, I am also thankful that we are starting this now, with 20 months left to go, instead of waiting last minute.
I couldn’t imagine the stress I would be under if I was doing all this crap last minute!
Anyway, that is all for now. Happy hiking!
Yup, I have downsized my amount of ball gowns and evening wear a few times. No one in my immediate family is/has been military but I was a key liaison for a US Senior Senator and accompanied said dignitary to State functions. Good for you to memorialize in photos. Another idea is to check if any local high schools offer prom gowns and might take these as vintage appeal. Worked for me.
That is a great idea! I will check around.