It’s the beginning of a new year and what better way to start it off then going hiking at Dana Peak Park and participating in some mud skating! It’s an olympic sport! Haven’t you heard? Just kidding, pretty sure I just made that up!
The weather lately has been rainy and cold. The trails are nothing but mud, but I needed to get out and hike. Staying inside too long will make anyone feel a little nutty! Thankfully, I somehow talked my husband into joining me! Thanks babe!!!
Feel free to watch and share my antics from today! They really should make this a sport!
The mud was deep and awful out there, and by the time we got done I had added a good extra 10 pounds to my legs just due to the amount of mud that was caked on my shoes. It has been raining pretty much non-stop for 4 days.
I will say, I got a good workout today. Of course the extra 10 pounds of mud on my shoes may have helped!!!!
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