Typically on Saturday, I do my long hikes (those that are 10-15 miles). Today, however, we only did 3.5. Matt Reed with KCEN tagged along today to report on what Miles 4 RSS is and why I am hiking/walking 1000 miles. It was wonderful having him along. I won’t lie, I was nervous but Matt made me feel at ease. Hiking with a video camera along was rather unusual, but I became comfortable pretty quick with it. Little did Matt know, this would be mine and Jerry’s last hike together, at least for the next 9 months, as he deployed later that night.
If you would like to log your miles, please head over to the Miles For 3CR RSS Soldiers Facebook Page.
And a huge thank you to Matt for taking this picture of us during the hike! It is a picture that we will always treasure! You definitely helped us make a memory today!
UPDATE (I didn’t want to post this due to OPSEC, but now that he has left I can say this): This was our last hike together for 9 months! Matt Reed took this picture of us when he did the news story. He had no idea that later that evening, is when my husband would leave for 9 months! Thank you Matt for taking this picture and sharing my story. And to my husband Jerry Carlson, I love you to infinity and beyond and am counting down the days (and miles lol) until you return home to us!

Cool! Did 12 miles this week so far.
5.59 miles today. Can I give you my miles for July? If so add another 61.98 for the month of July :)
The four ladies that passed you in the trail this morning did 6 miles each so, we can give you 24 miles!!!!! Kim Evans-Davidson, Pennie Bush, Melissa Williams
Awesome! Thank y’all! I will get the miles added to the log in the morning. Janice yep I will take all of July too! Teri, did you watch the video? Y’all where the ones that passed us at the top of the hill by the fence right? I asked if you wanted to be on the news?
Yes I watched it, we were the ones that passed you on the hill by the fence.
Teri that’s what I thought! Did y’all see yourselves in it? lol. It’s the part where they are showing his camelbak, y’all are in the background!
Oh I see us now!!!! Sneaky little news reporter!!!
You can log in 33 for july and 5 for this month
My boys walk with me so hopefully we can push next week and beat our julys number
Great inspiration here
Hope to meet you one day!!!
My husband is deployed with 3CR Ironhawk since june so im hoping to get some miles in myself
Thanks for the inspiration and hope the goal gets reached
Way to go Veronica! Keep it up!
Motivation is always key for me
How sweet!!!
It was pretty awesome! We had a lot of fun on this hike =)
Thats really cool. Hope everything went okay with his flight out.
Can we add road miles…
Silvia do you mean miles that you walk or run other than on the trails? Then yes…all walk/hike/run miles count no matter where they are done at =)
Will start sending you my running miles
It did! No issues other than I ended up having to leave before he got on the bus because I was so tired. By the time I got home I had been up for over 24 hours. So spent most of yesterday trying to sleep or laying in bed. I felt so unproductive lol.
Well dont feel that way
You had a long day and we always need a day of rest more than we realize even after an emotional day
Just think Bridget…you have all of us to help you get through it. Keep on truckin’!
Thank you Veronica and Casie =) It was pretty nice to just lay around in bed all day lol.
Im heading back to texas today but of course wont be back till maybe fri
I will have plenty of driving miles to log lol
LMAO Veronica I bet!!!! Oh look I figured out how to comment as myself lol.
I almost didnt catch that
Caffeine is being slow or could just be me