It’s a Blizzard out there!!! This is wet heavy snow. Then it came across the screen on the TV. Blizzard warning in effect until Saturday (today) 10pm. My husband had duty last night so he was on post all night which left me and the kids here to fend for ourselves.
He called me about 0130 to let me know that all the power on post just went out and for me to please be careful. He wanted to make sure we were warm and that the heater was working fine and that we still had power. Awwwww.
They didn’t get the power on post restored till about 0530 this morning. I got up around 0730 just to find out that his replacement couldn’t get there which means instead of he getting off at 0800 he would have to be there until someone else got there. They finally got someone else in there (they found a NCO that lived on post to come relieve him). But when he went to the truck he realized that his truck was surrounded in almost 4 foot of snow. So he put some privates to work shoveling him out. He made it all the way to the corner of our street and thats when he got stuck the snow was so high he bottomed out to say.
So so so close. Anyway so right now he is driving around trying to find a way to get here even if that means parking it and walking assuming he can find somewhere to park close. If he cant the only other option we have now is for him to get a hotel room, which is going to suck because as of right now we are stuck in this house. I can barley open the front door. Right now we have about 26 inches of snow and its not suppose to let up till later tonight. They expect another 8 inches or so.
What Part of Maryland do you live in? I live in Md. as well, and my husband is stationed at Camp Lejune, NC.