This morning I had the privilege of finally meeting some of Jerry’s other family from Central Bell County Fire & Rescue (CBCFR); a volunteer fire department located in Nolanville.
We met Nick Delgado with KWTX ch. 10 out at Dana Peak Park in Harker Heights, and did a 3 mile hike to rack up some Miles For 3CR RSS Soldiers. Nick covered our story for the evening news to help get the word out!
This was probably the most fun I have had in a while out on the trails. I had a mic on while hiking and forgot more than once that it was recording =) Oopsie! Thanks to Nick for not airing any of that embarrassing stuff, lol! We hiked along sidewinder trail, which runs along Comanche Gap Road and starts at the old fishing pier. For anyone considering this hike, it is a relatively easy hike and great for beginners (or if you are having a news crew following you, lol).
After the hike, we did our individual interviews for the story before bidding farewell.
I would like to thank both CBCFR and KWTX for coming out with me this morning for the hike! We racked up a total of 24 miles for the in town hiker total! I had a great time and I hope y’all will join me again at some point during the next 9 months for another hike!
Oh and a huge thank you to my neighbor and friend Tammy who got up before the sun did to go hike with me this morning!
News Article: Harker Heights: Army Wife Takes On Big Challenge While Husband Deployed
Facebook Page To Log Your Miles: Miles For 3CR RSS Soldiers
Awesome! Glad it worked out! Will it be on tonight?
Um I don’t know…lol. I forgot to ask!
3 miles
Just so I remember….we did 3 miles today.
Story promo during our 6pm newscast. Full story at 10pm on News 10
3.1 yesterday
3.25 yesterday
3.4 on Tues
Let’s do it!
You look great!!!!!
Y’all be safe
I had 5.1yesterday over across the pond
Here’s the story:
Im in
Jason & Keisha just let me know when y’all want to go. I can either do it during the week or on a weekend. For the long hikes, I start the hike at 0630 =)
I work the next couple of weekends, but I may join you this week for some of the shorter hikes.
Keisha, ok sounds good! Just let me know =)