Day 6 is our first zero of the hike! Today we spent time doing laundry and resupplying. The coolest part was meeting Shiitake and her husband Spruce Lee; both Trail Angles that thru hiked the trail the previous year. =) They live right there in Blairsville and took us to Walmart and dropped us off at the laundry mat.

We also mailed some stuff back home. Ripley mailed her old pack home and I mailed my water socks and a charging cord back home.
After laundry, we headed to Chick Fil A to grab lunch. It was pouring rain all day and the walk back to the hotel wasn’t very pleasant. Apparently Blairsville does NOT believe in sidewalks lol.
That evening we took Jim (2 cents) out to eat for his birthday at a place called Copeland’s Burgers and Southern Eats. Snorlax met us there and we had a nice dinner. Also, apparently it was trivia night and they take that seriously there! We got in just in time as all other tables were reserved for trivia! Yikes!
When I got back to the hotel I decided to film a Q&A session with questions my viewers had left for me. Feel free to check that out in the video below.
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