We decided to check out of the hotel at check out time instead of early to get our money’s worth =) Day 3 was going to be a nero.
While we did lose one Tramily member, we picked up another (Matthew) for a couple of days.
The hike to Gooch Mountain Shelter from Cooper Gap was pretty easy and beautiful. The sun was out and there was snow everywhere!

I almost made a wrong turn at Justus Creek. I kept going straight as I didn’t see the turn to the right. Thankfully I was only 20 feet past my mistake (thank goodness for a very large tree that had fallen and was blocking my path)!

The crossing of Justus creek left my shoes soaked. Thankfully, the heat from my feet over the next 1.5 miles helped dry them out. Enough to where they did not freeze overnight despite the 18-degree temperature.

When we arrived at Gooch Shelter, we were the only ones there, but that quickly changed as Frosty, Sage, Snack Attack, Snorlax, and a ridge runner made their way into camp.
Everything they had was soaked and after what seemed like an hour, they were able to get a fire started and started drying out their clothes and gear.

Tonight was the first night I spent in my tent. I set it up quicker than I ever have before (less than 5 minutes) and quickly got myself to bed.

It was a cold night. I didn’t get much sleep at all. I couldn’t seem to get my butt region warm no matter what I did (same as the night of Day 1). Why the heck is only my butt region cold?!
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