This is the first week that he has been at NTC and it’s gone by so quick slow. Yes, you read that right, quick slow! You know it feels like it’s going by so quick because your days have been jammed pack hectic but really it’s slow because what feels like seven days flying by is really only three days =/
Today was one of those days; I have been up since 0600 and have been going non-stop. Not one minute of rest. Wednesdays are always like that especially with work, because Wednesday is the day I make sure everything is ready for the paper to be laid, so it can be proofed and go to press on Thursday in order to make it to the newsstands Friday morning.
I will say that last night was extremely nice. I was finally able to talk to my husband on the phone. It’s the first time I have heard his voice since dropping him off on post Saturday morning. Sure we have been texting this whole time, but both our schedules have been hectic so when he was able to talk, I was already in bed. The time difference doesn’t help either.
This morning was rough for him. Well, I shouldn’t say rough, but this is his 10th time to NTC and he is somewhat irritated to be there. Since I couldn’t be there in person to hug him (which cheers him up and calms him down) I did the only thing I knew to do…try and make him laugh by sending him a video I made:
Cheering Up My Soldier at NTCSo my husband (who has been to NTC 10 times now) has been getting frustrated (mind you, he has been in for over 20 years). Since I couldn’t be there to calm him down, I figured I would try and get him to laugh instead =) Apparently it worked!
Posted by Nutty Hiker – Dear Military Spouse on Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Jerry Carlson says
I love you baby
Bridget Carlson says
I love you too J Bear!
Mikie Taylor says
Too funny!!!