This week has been a week of complete chaos! All of the rain we have received recently has made the trails muddy which means it has been a hot minute since I have been hiking!
I have spent the week thinking that I am on the day before. For instance, as I write this, it is Wednesday, yet I have spent the entire day thinking it was Tuesday.
Britney’s high school graduation is on Saturday (in the evening) which means we are holding her graduation party before. After her party, she has a hair and makeup appointment and then I will take her senior portraits before sending her off to graduate.
Did I mention I still need to prepare for this graduation party? Our lawn needs to be mowed, house cleaned, we have family coming in from out of town, and I still need to go shopping for food!
I have been preparing for this day for 18 years and now just days before, I realized I am not prepared at all. Not physically or emotionally!
She asked me today if she could get an extension before moving out; she now wants to wait until July 1st. Of course, I said nope, you have had time to prepare, but of course I refuse to allow my child to be homeless, even if I am a mean mama.
She is getting a mild dose of adulthood. She is already worrying about how she will survive and pay bills or even where she will live. As much as I tried talking to her about preparing for this day and what she should do, I am just Mom and what kind of fun would it be to listen to Mom?
No matter what the future holds for her, one thing will never change; I will always be here for her as Mom and as a friend.
Happy Graduation Day Britney!
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