Thank you all for a wonderful season! The show has ended for the year a couple of days early due to the weather! We hope everyone enjoyed it and we look forward to seeing you next year!
UPDATES WILL BE POSTED HERE ABOUT OUR 2016 CHRISTMAS LIGHT SHOW as well as on our Facebook page. Make sure to bookmark this page and like our Facebook page to keep up with the latest news.
FACEBOOK PAGE: Carlson Light Display
FACEBOOK EVENT: 2016 Event Page
DECEMBER 29, 2016: LAST NIGHT FOR THE SHOW IS TONIGHT. Reminder, We no longer have the speaker playing outside since it is past Christmas. Please make sure your radio is on FM 88.1 to listen to the music. Also, tonight is the last night for the show due to rain that is showing in the forecast for Dec 31st (we don’t want to store wet lights or decorations).
December 27, 2016: We will no longer have the speaker playing outside since it is past Christmas. Please make sure your radio is on FM 88.1 to listen to the music. Also, we may need to tear down early this year due to rain that is showing in the forecast for the AM of Dec 31st (we don’t want to store wet lights or decorations). If you plan on coming, I would suggest doing it by December 29th as we will more than likely be tearing it down on December 30th before the rain hits.
December 24, 2016: EXTENDED HOURS & EXTENDED SHOW CHRISTMAS EVE NIGHT & CHRISTMAS NIGHT ONLY. We have added 2 more songs to the line up (they are not listed in the line-up below) for Christmas Eve night & Christmas night ONLY! Each show will be about 50 minutes long with a 10 minute steady on intermission between shows. We are also extending the hours to midnight (last show will start at 11pm).
Additionally, the outside speaker will go off at 9pm as to not disturb our neighbors so please make sure your car stereo is tuned to FM 88.1 to listen to the music.
PLEASE do not walk into the yard or driveway or block our driveway or neighbors driveways! Thank you all for your cooperation and we hope you enjoy the show! Merry Christmas everyone! FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS TO YOUR PROFILE
December 19, 2016: GOOD NEWS! Everything has been fixed and the show will be on tonight! There are a couple of items that unfortunately just could not be repaired such as our 5ft metal candy canes that somehow the wind snapped in half! Depending on the wind this evening, the blow up village may not be on, but the actual light show will be on tonight.
December 18, 2016 – Due to the amount of damage we received from last nights wind, we are canceling the show tonight as well. We have not been able to complete the repairs needed. If everything goes good, we should be able to resume the show tomorrow night. To give you an idea of what the wind was capable of last night, it snapped in half several metal/mesh candy canes, tossed our weeping willow tree that was weighted down with 50 lb weights like it was a piece of paper, and bent several of our Christmas trees. It also lifted all of our blow ups (despite the fact that they were turned off and anchored with 8 anchors each) and scattered them around. We attempted to start repairs this morning but the wind and bitter cold stopped us. We thank everyone for their understanding while we try and make repairs. Also keep in mind that we will have extended hours Christmas Eve and Christmas night =)
December 17, 2016 – The show for tonight has been canceled due to the weather we have coming in and the strong winds we are currently experiencing.
December 11, 2016 – The show for tonight has been CANCELLED thanks to these 25-30 mph wind gusts we are having. According to the weather, it should settle down late tonight/early tomorrow, which means we will be able to start making repairs (again) in the morning and have everything ready for judging and the show tomorrow both of which start at 6pm! Until tomorrow, try not to blow away! We think we have come up with an idea to keep this from happening (then again we thought the same thing a couple of days ago too).
December 8, 2016 – Due to the high winds we are still enduring, we have not been able to fix the damage that has been done, therefore the SHOW FOR TONIGHT IS CANCELLED. Hopefully, the winds will die down overnight and we can fix everything for tomorrow night.
December 1, 2016 – We are 95% complete. The first show will still play tonight if you would like to come out. Just remember that we will have more lights and be completely done by the end of this coming weekend if you would like to come back out and see the finished 100% ready to go, show!
November 27, 2016 – We are about 85% done. We will be working non-stop trying to get it ready for December 1st.
November 14, 2016 – We have started putting up lights and are running 2 weeks behind due to the rain we had, but we will get it done!
October 19, 2016 – We are busy planning this year’s show. Expect new songs, new features, and MORE lights! Oh and if you are around for Halloween night, stop by between 5:30pm-8pm for a nightmarish good time (and candy).
Feel free to walk or drive by! Our Christmas light show is roughly 43 minutes long and repeats on the hour every hour during show times.
Christmas Light Show Dates:
December 1 – 31, 2016
Christmas Light Show Times:
Dec 1 – 23: 6pm-10pm
Dec 24 & 25: 6pm-Midnight
Dec 26 – 31: 6pm-10pm
428 Winter Sun Drive in Harker Heights
Music Lineup:
Jingle Bells
Let It Go
House on Christmas Street
Santa Train
Wizards in Winter
Run Run Rudolf
SUPRISE SONG (You’ll have to visit to find out this song)
Hot Rod Sleigh
The Christmas Can Can
Christmas in Dixie
Radio Station For Music: 88.1 FM
How long is the light show?
The show this year lasts about 43 minutes with an intermission of approximately 17 minutes. The best time for video is anytime during the show and the best time for pictures is the rest period (intermission) between shows when the lights are steady on (there will be no music being played during intermission).
How many lights are there?
This year we have a total of 27,000 lights and 2200 feet of extension cords! Last year we had 20,000 lights! =)
How/What can we donate?
We have been asked this a lot lately! Believe it or not, our electric bill does not go up that much thanks to using 95% LED lights. The LED lights are what is so expensive and we are constantly having to repair/replace them.
If you would like to donate, we are always looking for solid colored LED lights (all sizes, no warm white) and LED rope lights (solid colors, no warm white). If you are in the area, feel free to drop them off (just leave them on the porch if we are not here).
We are also on the hunt for any gingerbread or candy decorations. We are trying to nail down a theme and Bridget loves gingerbread men. A huge thanks to one of our neighbors who dropped off several cutouts of gingerbread men last year which is Bridget’s favorite (unbeknownst to him)! We still need to paint them and hope to put them in next year’s show.
12 times at least
I have faith y’all can count… 3
Considering that some of those have to be several years old… I’m going to say 5.
Well, we just went once, had to get more lights for the roof.
Yall should ask for a donation to help with the electric bill
We use all LED lights, so our electric bill doesn’t really change that much. Last year it maybe jumped $20 I think. The biggest cost is buying all the lights and the upkeep lol.
Depending on how large you plan on going this year, and the quality of the display compared to last-years , length of string, or (led tape16ft) number of led’ per 6 times at least.
7 :,)
Maybe at least 10!
Where in Harker Heights are you located?