Well we are back on the Pinhoti Trail and this time Jerry is with us. Of course, the day I planned on starting back up is the day that a polar vortex starting coming through.

We started out in 22-degree weather, but it began dropping. The last time I checked, my thermometer said 17, and that didn’t factor in the blistery wind. I can only assume the windchill was probably in the single digits. And tomorrow was supposed to be worse.
The view from that climb out of Clairmont Gap was just beautiful.

Once we got to about an hour into the hike, Jerry realized the base layer pants he chose were not cutting it in this frigid weather. So we decided it would be best to make this a day hike and return to town (like everyone else was doing) for the incoming polar vortex.
The hike was beautiful, though, and the ground was frozen solid.
We made it to Adams Gap where Nancy from Next Step Hostel was waiting for us. She was so amazing! She let us borrow the truck the next day so we could go into the REI in Birmingham to find Jerry a new set of baselayers (spoiler alert, we found some) since no place in town had any.
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