Teaching my son how to drive and Hello Jamaica! We had a great 4th of July weekend. We spent it at my mother’s farm up in the West Virginia mountains. Yesterday (we had to leave this morning so we could come back and pack up the truck so we can leave for Jamaica here in a couple of hours) before we shot off fireworks, I taught my oldest son to drive. He is almost 15 1/2 so I figured it was time.
This is actually my husband with him. I did it while it was still daylight and then my husband took him again so he could try his driving skills at night (he is a VERY brave man)!
My son did awesome! He needs to work on his braking skills (I now have whiplash) but all in all he did great!
Now it’s time to finish up the last minute packing for our trip to Jamaica. An entire week of nothing but relaxation and tropical alcoholic contraptions. The beginning of July started our vacation season, first with a trip to West Virginia, then to Jamaica, then we will head to New York City, then it is on to Richmond, Virginia, and we will finish out the month in Indianapolis, Indiana where we have tickets to watch the Brickyard 400.
I may need a vacation from my vacation!
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