This blog is my full-time job. I rely heavily on support from my readers. If you would like to help offset the cost of running this blog and my nutty adventures so I can continue to bring you travel/outdoor adventures, please feel free to donate or simply shop using one of the links below =) Or, if you’d like to send a care package while I am on trail or meet up, please use the form at the end of this page. My pit crew back home is monitoring it for quick responses and can help you coordinate.
Donate using your credit card by using the App through Square, Inc, donate via PayPal, or Venmo (make sure to choose friends and family for Paypal and Venmo, so we don’t get charged a fee). Your information is completely safe and protected either way!
Buy an item from my wishlist on Amazon =) I have shared my address with Amazon so the item will be sent directly to me.
Contact me while on trail to send a care package or to meet up: