I love books, that’s no secret. While I was at the bookstore I came across Over the Edge: Death in Grand Canyon and just had to buy it.
It tells of over 500 accounts of different deaths within the Grand Canyon since 1869.
What I love most is how the author split up the chapters into different categories of deaths (such as falls, drowning, murder, suicide, etc…) with a recap at the end of each chapter.
You can buy it here.

Gripping accounts of all known fatal mishaps in the most famous of the World’s Seven Natural Wonders.
Two veterans of decades of adventuring in Grand Canyon chronicle the first complete and comprehensive history of Canyon misadventures. These episodes span the entire era of visitation from the time of the first river exploration by John Wesley Powell and his crew of 1869 to that of tourists falling off its rims today.
These accounts of the 550 people who have met untimely deaths in the Canyon set a new high water mark for offering the most astounding array of adventures, misadventures, and life-saving lessons published between any two covers. Over the Edge promises to be the most intense yet informative book on Grand Canyon ever written.
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