Post & Giveaway sponsored by Author Jen “Chica” Beck Seymour
I was so excited to get the opportunity to read Chicas on the Appalachian Trail by Jen Beck Seymour. She has also been gracious enough to giveaway a signed copy to one of my readers (enter below).
Once I picked up this book I could not put it down. In fact, I took it with me on my thru-hike of the Lone Star Hiking Trail and binge read it in my tent after a long day of hiking. I seriously tried to put it down to go to sleep and I couldn’t! It has been a long time since a book has caught my attention that much!

Jen is a great infoteller (I like that better than storyteller since this book is all about the 411 of being a woman on the AT). It’s like talking to your best friend (but you’re reading lol).
What I really loved about this book was the Q&A sessions with other long-distance women hiker’s. It really puts things in perspective and also goes to show you everyone is unique in how they handle long-distance hiking and even loneliness on the trail. I found that I related to several of them and plan to use the advice they gave on my own thru-hike attempt in 2020.
From the Back Cover:
Hiking the Appalachian Trail is your dream adventure – but so far, you’ve done nothing but dream. What’s stopping you from making it a reality?
Are you afraid of wild animals? Not sure you can handle going a week without a shower? Or do you simply doubt that you are capable of taking on this badass adventure?
Bestselling author Jen Beck Seymour thru-hiked the trail in 2017, and she understands the fears and doubts that may hinder some women from following their hearts. But Jen wants you to know that your dream is not out of reach. In this book, she gives you the answers you need to these (and more) questions:
- Is it safe for women do this alone?
- What can I do to protect myself from dangerous animals or people?
- How do I deal with my period (and other bodily functions) while camping?
- I don’t have a hiking partner – what if I get lonely or injured?
- How can I keep my family from worrying or talking me out of it?
Jen also interviews 12 inspirational women who recently hiked the trail – alone or with a partner (including a mom-and-son team and a family with a baby) – who share their stories with all the honest, down-and-dirty details about the challenges they faced before, during, and after their hikes.
If you’ve always wanted to go hiking – from day hikes to long-distance or thru-hiking – THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!
CHICAS ON THE APPALACHIAN TRAIL will not only help you squash those doubts and fears but will also give you practical advice on how to make your dream of adventure come true.
Win Your Own Copy of Chicas on the Appalachian Trail
Enter below to win your very own signed copy of Chicas on the Appalachian Trail. Or if you can’t wait, buy it on Amazon.
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