What is it with kids seeing their Dad as a jungle gym? I know us Mom’s tend to be tugged on often, while Dad’s get climbed on. Funny how that always seems to be the case in most families. This picture, while yes it was “mostly” posed, I think portrays a Dads life pretty darn well! It was a simple of enough shot, I asked Dad if he could hold all three kiddos. He answered without hesitation “yes”. He put one on his shoulders and picked up the other two and the kids did the rest. I’m pretty sure this wasn’t the first time he had all three climbing on him!
This family photography session was taken in downtown Killeen. Most people hear downtown Killeen and think ew, why would you hold a session there? Simple, there is one section that is just beautiful, where you can get great “urban” shots but also “park like” shots as well. The buildings are beautiful, and while my definition might be different from your’s, I see beauty in almost everything and can find a way to incorporate the surrounding into an awesome picture.
I can’t wait for this family to come in for their proofing session and see the rest of their pictures! Look for their pictures soon in the galleries section and on my Facebook page!
If you would like to book a family photography session, please feel free to email by using the contact form!

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