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Jase Case Giveaway

**Actions for additional entries will be verified before the Winner is chosen**

**Make sure to add Nuttyhiker.com to your safe sender’s list and to check your spam/junk folder for the confirmation email to verify your entry.**

The prize package includes an online consultation with a board-certified physician, the case with 5 lifesaving antibiotics, and our comprehensive antibiotic guide booklet. If you found yourself cut off from modern medical care and treatment during a global pandemic, don't be unprepared due to supply chain issues. On an outdoor adventure, immediate attention to infections when far from civilization is vital. Through a natural disaster, secure your own supply of antibiotics with ease and peace of mind. Traveling in a foreign country, standards of care in other countries may not be the same as you are used to. Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected. This prize package is valued at $259.95 USD.
See this post for full details.
OR, get your own Jase Case here.

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  • Arthur Begly